activity holidays Scotland

Wild Scotland Association

The Activity Scotland is run by Wild Scotland, the trade association for the nature-based tourism industry in Scotland.

Why choose a Wild Scotland member for your activity holiday?

When you book an activity holiday with a Wild Scotland member, you can be assured that:

  • your activities will be safely and professionally organised;
  • your activity provider operates fully within the law;
  • (for package holidays) any money you pay in advance is safe in the event of your provider experiencing financial difficulties.

To ensure that these conditions are met, activity providers must meet a wide range of criteria before they are accepted into Activity Scotland Association. They must, for example:

  • be based in Scotland;
  • carry public liability insurance with a minimum cover of £2,000,000;
  • when offering package holidays meet the terms of the Package Travel Directive 1992;
  • agree to adhere to the Wild Scotland Association Code of Practice;
  • meet all the requirements relating to safety and personal conduct as laid down by relevant National Governing Bodies (NGB's).


Until 2011, this website was run by Activity Scotland, the Scottish activity providers association. In April 2011, Activity Scotland merged with Wild Scotland, the Scottish wildlife tourism association to form one association. The new association is called Wild Scotland.

As a combined association we now work to support our members by promoting and supporting the sustainable development of adventure and wildlife tourism in Scotland. For more information, click across to our page on the Wild Scotland website.

In 1987 the Scottish Activity Holiday Marketing Group was formed to promote activity holidays in Scotland and to negotiate preferential rates for marketing and related services for its members. By 1992 it was becoming evident the trade needed both to be represented on the various national committees responsible for policy development and implementation and to have a recognised organisation for the collation and dissemination of relevant information; a forum for discussion and decision making.

National research carried out in 1993 confirmed that activity holidays were emerging as a key tourism growth sector. The Scottish Activity Holiday Association (SAHA) evolved with support and advice from Scottish Enterprise and Highlands and Islands activity tourism businesses.

Wild Scotland is represented on Scottish Adventure Activities Forum, National Access Forum, Scottish Landscape Forum, Scottish Recreation Forum, Scottish Environment LINK amongst others. The Association is actively involved with the VisitScotland, Sportscotland and Scottish Natural Heritage in the development and promotion of activity holidays in Scotland.

What are the benefits for members?

Wild Scotland offers an evolving package of membership services which will enhance business opportunities. These currently include:

  • use of the Wild Scotland logo;
  • your own page on either the Activity Scotland or Wild Scotland websites and your business listed on pages with activities you offer;
  • joint marketing initiatives, publicity, market research and information services;
  • acting as a focus for national consultation and lobbying;
  • delivery of information, seminars and training.

For more information on any aspect of Wild Scotland please feel free to contact us. For a membership form, click here.